
  • creating,  Decorating,  Uncategorized

    Cinnamon Salt Dough Ornaments

    If you want a fun and easy craft, try some salt dough cinnamon ornaments. Years ago I made some cinnamon applesauce ornaments which I still use today. I was looking at Miss Mustard Seed’s blog and saw her tutorial for the cinnamon salt dough ornaments here. The ornaments were beautiful and very inspiring. I made a batch of her recipe and put my own spin on them. I did not have any cookie molds, but I had this patterned rolling pin. I rolled out the dough with a regular rolling pin first until the dough was about 1/2 inch thick. I then went over the dough with the patterned…

  • creating

    Our new vegetable garden space

    For years, we have had a trampoline for our kids to play on in our yard. It had a designated space next to the fire pit area where we had it anchored down. Our kids are now too old to be interested in a trampoline, so we gave it to the neighbors and started thinking about something new we could create with this space in our yard. I have always wanted to have an area for a vegetable garden. In years past, I have scattered some vegetable plants here and there among my flowers. It worked ok, but I had a vision for something a bit more. The area was…

  • creating,  Decorating

    Adding a touch of fall to the kitchen

    Yesterday I spent a little time creating a new wreath for my range hood. My hubby made me this hood when we remodeled our kitchen and it is a great way to add some extra touches of color and design on the kitchen. It is so simple to create a wreath. First find a wreath form that is the right scale for the place in your home you want to hang it. Next, think of what room you want that wreath to hang in. What are the colors? Do you have other folage in the room you need to compliment. Then after you find the flowers, yarn, ribbon, fabric, you…

  • creating

    A fall wreath

    I love summer. I love the warm weather, the beautiful gardens, vacations, barbeques, picnics, the sound of kids playing outside. Having said that, I also love love fall. Fall…oh beautiful fall. I love everything about fall. The gardens are still beautiful, the changing leaves, the colors, the food, sweaters, pumpkins….everything. So every August I spend a little time getting things ready to decorate my home for the fall season. This morning I spent some time making a wreath that can hang on my front door to welcome in the season. I started with a pre made wreath I found at Hobby Lobby. This was a very cost effective option because…

  • creating


    We have lived in this house now for ten years. I have read that most gardens take ten years to really start looking established. I have found that to be very true. I can’t believe this is what we had just a few years ago. When we bought this house, the backyard was just dirt and weeds. I has taken a lot of vision to make it what it is today, and we still aren’t done imagining. That is why gardening is so fun! It is ever evolving and changing. I went out and took some pictures of the gardens this morning after watering. Enjoy!