
Yard Work

Finally another post. These last couple of months have kept me so busy, that I haven’t had any time to concentrate on doing important things like blog. We have been busy at our house. Mostly with the outside. We decided to cut out some flower gardens in our yard. This was so needed. Nothing bugs me more that just grass that goes to a fence.
First we planned out our design, and had the utilities come and mark for lines.  Nothing says pretty like a spray painted lawn.

Then we had a curbing guy come and cut out all the sod and do some curbing for us. I went to work, and came home to flower beds cut out for me. Seriously, that has never happened before to me. I could get use to this. Normally it is me and Jeff digging out the sod with a shovel. Nope, not this time…I have tasted what it is like to have it done for you. ha ha

Then it was planting away for us. We have a lot of flower beds to fill. I love perennials. Lillies, coral bells, lavendar, daisies. They all seem to grow well here. Jeff built up the center of the circle with stone, and we planted a tree and some strawberries around it.

It is a work in progress, but that is what I love about the yard. Nothing is ever “done,” and you can constantly be thinking about new ideas.

I'm Erin, a busy mom of three, chauffeur, cook, housekeeper, and wanna be decorator. I love old movies, good books, and a daily trip to Lowes. We have recently bought a new home...one we are fixing up and changing everything. This blog is to record our renovating journey. This is not the first house we have done. Actually, it is our third. My husband and I love a project. Any project. We both love working on our home, have the same taste, (which is great), and love working and re purposing things on our budget. We can show you how to put together a high end and creative look without breaking the bank. Taking something old and recreating it into something new and exciting for any room is my passion. Hope you enjoy this decorating journey with us!

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