A Traditional Christmas Tree
Christmas to me is a time for traditions. I feel very sentimental thinking about Christmas’s past. Having said that, I like to decorate my home with things I have gathered through the years. I change it up a bit each year placing different items in different spots or adding new garland. Our Christmas tree is an example of that. I know I have written about this before, but it has been such a great tradition in our family to collect ornaments each year, or each trip we’ve been on. I put the kid’s names and year on the bottom of the ones they pick out. It is fun to see how the style they have chosen has changed over the years. It is also so fun to put up the ornaments from the trips we’ve taken. I have ornaments from Yellowstone all the way to Rome. We get them out and talk about all the memories we have made. It is very fun, and as my kids have grown older, very special. So here are my trees this year…I have two actually. My main tree and our game room tree.