Starting my hallway project took a lot of time and thinking. The whole thing started with this fun hook rack I found at an antique store. I made a wreath for it, and hung it at the end of our hallway. I knew that I wanted something more hanging on the walls, and I decided that it would most likely be pictures.
You know all those pictures you have taken over the years, those pictures you want to display but don’t know how? Well here is my clean and simplified version of a gallery wall. I have a very long hallway in my upstairs that I needed to decorate. I have seen some great gallery walls that have different frames, letters, mirrors….and while I think those are pretty, I needed something more simple and clean for this space. The hallway is narrow, and I didn’t want the walls to feel like they were coming in on us. My husband and I have had the opportunity to travel to Europe a couple of times and have taken some pretty great pictures. I knew I wanted to display some of these pictures on the walls of this hallway, but I didn’t want a bunch of frames hanging on the wall. I had some frames already hanging on the opposite wall with some artist sketches I got in Paris. So knowing this, we decided to get the pictures for the other side printed on large canvas’s. It was simple, I just uploaded my pictures on Costco’s photo website and had them made into canvas’s. Searching around, we found that for what we needed, and with the coupon, Costco was the best place for us to go. There are other places like Shutterfly who can also print your pictures into canvas’s and other mediums. Did you know you can get your pictures printed on metal? I want to do that next. Maybe for our family pictures. Anyways, I love the effect these pictures gave our hallway, and every time I walk past them I am reminded of fun times I have had, and great things I have seen.