Rooms I've Created

  • Family room,  Rooms I've Created

    Touches of spring – my family room

    So I took the day last week and spruced my house up for spring. I put away my furry blankets, winter pillows, and candles. I replaced them with a few fun touches of spring. I got out my flower pillows, lighter throws, and created a fun spring display for my ottoman. A lot of this I did with things I had laying around my house. I feel that rooms don’t need huge makeovers every season, but a few touches like pillows and flowers really make a difference. I also love to raid my son’s old book collection. I totally gave him a bad time when he was bringing these books…

  • D's Room,  our house,  Rooms I've Created

    Danica’s room reveal

    Danica and I have been talking about her room for a while now. When we first moved into this home almost six years ago, her room was the first room we did. She was ten at the time, and wanted something girly and pink. She has since grown up, started high school, and her style has changed. Remember what the room looked like before? Very pink, and a little too young for a freshman. We painted it gray, and went with a totally new look. The room is now very calm and serene. We painted her book shelves white, found a new bed and desk, and put an amazing chair…

  • Family room,  Furniture,  our house,  Rooms I've Created

    Changing it up

    Isn’t it funny that in January most of us are craving a little change in our homes. I don’t know if it is because we are spending so much time inside from winter, or just that our spaces look a little plain from Christmas. Whatever it is, I know that for me, I need that little change up in my home in January. Usually it is just moving things I already have around to different spaces, or adding a few new accessories here and there. This year has been great because I found and got a couple of great new items that made my space feel a little more fun.…

  • DIY,  Projects,  Rooms I've Created


    Starting my hallway project took a lot of time and thinking. The whole thing started with this fun hook rack I found at an antique store. I made a wreath for it, and hung it at the end of our hallway. I knew that I wanted something more hanging on the walls, and I decided that it would most likely be pictures. You know all those pictures you have taken over the years, those pictures you want to display but don’t know how? Well here is my clean and simplified version of a gallery wall. I have a very long hallway in my upstairs that I needed to decorate. I have seen some…

  • dining room,  Rooms I've Created

    A fun Friday find

    So I have this spot on my dining room wall. I have been thinking now for more than a year what to put there and I finally came up with something. A map.   I was shopping at my favorite antique store and found some old maps they were selling, and I fell in love with them. The only problem was that they were large.  Larger than my space could take.  Still, I loved the idea of it, so I searched online and found an antique map that was the right size for my wall. I found a store from pinterest that carried old maps but the price was pretty high. So I decided…

  • Rooms I've Created

    The power of words

    I love words. I love them in books, magazines, spoken, and displayed in my home. Words have a lot of power. They can capture your imagination, draw you in, make you feel happy, sad, or inspired.  They can very easily invoke memories, or set a tone in your room.  Using words or quotes in home decor has  been a very trendy thing, and still is. There are so many fun ways to display quotes or sentences that mean something to you or your family.  Whether it is on boards, metal, fabric, or right on walls with vinyl. It can instantly add a bit of creativity and fun to any room…

  • Family room,  our house,  re-purposed furniture,  Rooms I've Created

    Vintage love

    The new year has been busy around these parts.  Christmas was great…winter was long!!  Spring is upon us, and I feel like refreshing, cleaning, and organizing all my rooms.  We finished our house in the fall, so I used all my fall décor to decorate the new rooms.  Then I did the same thing at Christmas time.  By the time I took down all my Christmas décor, I realized that I didn’t have anything to fill up my new spaces.  So I of course had to do a little shopping.  I had donated most of my old décor to the DI, so I was starting over.  I knew I wanted…

  • Christmas,  front room,  our house,  Rooms I've Created

    Christmas in the music room

    Christmas decor in a music room is so fitting.  One of my favorite things is Christmas music. Either singing it, playing it, or listening to it.  It was so fun adding some Christmas touches to this room. I added some figures from our villages to the piano and my old Santa next to the piano on the floor. I have had an old suitcase we found in the attic of our other house.  I put that on the floor, added a tree, and had the perfect spot for the other village. I always put the nativity in the music room.  I feel the Christmas spirit the strongest when I surround myself…

  • Christmas,  dining room,  Our other house,  Rooms I've Created

    Christmas in the Dining room

    The dining room had to have been one of my favorite rooms to decorate this season.  I painted the room red, and it is the perfect backdrop for Christmas. I added a simple centerpiece for the dining room table from things I had hanging around the house.  I found these candle sticks a few years back in the garden department at Fred Meyer. They have become one of my favorite accessories to display candles and other things.  I had a glass conch which I filled with red ornaments from the dollar store, and put my large green apple for a fun pop of green. In my hutch I added some…

  • Christmas,  Family room,  our house,  Rooms I've Created

    Christmas in my Family room and Kitchen

    I love December. I love Christmas.  I love everything about it. The music, the lights, the spirit of giving….everything.  I love putting up Christmas decor in my home for the holidays. Decorations we have collected over the years mean a lot to me and have special memories, so it is fun to get them out and remember every year. This year was especially fun for us because I have a beautiful new backdrop to display Christmas around.  Here is the way my home looks this year in my family room and kitchen.  I wouldn’t say I was a trendy Christmas decorator. The things I have, the ornaments I display have…

  • DIY,  mud room,  our house,  Rooms I've Created

    finished mudroom

    Since I have owned my first home, I have dreamed of having a mud room.  A place to put coats, backpacks, boots, shoes….you name it. Somewhere to neatly put away all the stuff! When we first walked into this home, I was re arranging spaces in my head.  If I bought this house, how could I get myself a mud room and separate laundry room.  When you first walked into my home there was a large laundry room right off of the back door. There was a spot for a washer and dryer and a desk.  No where for shoes, coats, know, all the stuff that comes through the…

  • DIY,  kitchen,  our house,  Rooms I've Created

    Kitchen tour

    So our kitchen is finally finished and usable. I am loving the results, and I can’t wait to share the pictures. Here what our kitchen looked like before the remodel.  If there were one adjective to describe it, it would be brown.  So very very brown.  The first time we walked through this house I wanted to change everything.  The color, the cabinets, the lay out… name it, I wanted it gone.  So after a few years, and a lot of planning, we got to work and created my “dream” kitchen. Here is the result. We decided to go with white cabinets and dark granite on the top of them.…

  • Demo,  DIY,  Our other house,  Rooms I've Created

    Let’s talk Kitchens

    My kitchen demo has begun. I have waited for this moment since we have moved in four years ago.     We started by taking out the corner section of the kitchen. We decided to put a pantry in the corner instead of having wasted unusable counter space. This will give me two pantries which I know sounds weird, but I will no longer have to go downstairs to get food out of the storage room to cook dinner with.   We have the pantry framed and ready for dry wall. The cabinets are ordered, and we are waiting for them to be delivered. We are completely changing the layout of the…

  • Colors,  Crafts,  Demo,  DIY,  Furniture,  master bedroom,  our house,  Projects,  Rooms I've Created

    Master bedroom reveal

    I am so excited to show my finished master bedroom. This was a fun transformation for us. Things came together easily, and I love the change the room gave to my home. Here are the before pictures. This room was a blank canvas. It had cream walls, an awful ceiling fan, and no personality. So we transformed the space. We painted the room the same color as the bathroom, painted the molding of the ceiling a paint color two shades lighter and painted the trim the ultra bright white we used through the whole house. We took down the crown molding and created some lower molding, installing LED lights behind…

  • Colors,  Crafts,  Demo,  DIY,  Furniture,  master bedroom,  our house,  Projects,  re-purposed furniture,  Rooms I've Created

    My Ikea hack

    So here I am again posting another fun thing from our bedroom. This is my first Ikea hack, and I am excited to share it. When we were first designing our room, we wanted some book shelves to go on either side of our fireplace. I found these at Ikea. They were just standard bookshelves stained a cream color. I knew I needed to paint them since the white clashed so bad with the white in my room.  So we went to work painting them….the first time. A beautiful shade of deep gray. Notice, the gray is only on the insides.  We did not use any primer or liquid sand…