
  • Recipes

    Easy Seeded Artisan whole grain Sourdough Bread Recipe with Dry Fruit

    Are you looking for a new spin on your sour dough artisan bread? Something that you can start in the morning and have ready for dinner that night? This recipe might be just what you are looking for. It is simple, healthy, and tastes amazing. It is one of my husband’s favorites. He likes bread with substance, texture, and chew. This bread hits the spot. Start by mixing flour, warm water, sourdough starter, honey, and salt. Mix together to create a rough dough. When your dough has been stirred by hand and is shaggy in consistency, let it sit for 15 to 30 minutes. This helps the water hydrate the…

  • Recipes

    Strawberry Shortcake Sourdough Muffins

    If you like strawberry shortcake and muffins, these are the perfect combination of both. Every spring I get excited when the strawberries start showing up at the store and I can make strawberry muffins for my family. The sourdough makes the muffins so tender and delicious, and the crumb topping is amazing! It is a one bowl recipe that comes together quickly, so you can have muffins for your family in no time. These take between 20 to 25 minutes to bake depending on your oven. Bake until they are golden brown and a toothpick comes out clean.

  • Recipes

    Macaroni Salad

    I can’t believe it is almost fall. My most favorite season of the year! I have been busy getting my house all “falled” up with pumpkins, blankets, and leaves. In the midst of decorating, I made this simple macaroni salad recipe for dinner. I love making a large salad like this for dinner because there are always leftovers for a couple of days that I can use in lunches. This is my family’s favorite macaroni salad recipe. It is easy to make, you can take out or add any veggies you would like to use, and the dressing isn’t too heavy. I always add a can of chicken to the…

  • Recipes

    Delicious Baked Oatmeal

    A few weeks ago, I had to do a brunch for a large gathering of people. My son was leaving on a mission for our church, and we were having a farewell send off. One of the things he asked me to make was this baked oatmeal recipe. He and his friends would bring this oatmeal  to share and eat for breakfast on mornings of their finals at school. He would always tell me how delicious this recipe is to make, but I had never tried it.  I made it a week or so before the farewell, and my family loved it! It is so delicious and hearty, everyone who…

  • Recipes

    My favorite…and the best….cinnamon roll recipe

    My kid’s second trimester ended last Thursday, and they all did a great job in their classes. I decided to make my favorite all time cinnamon roll recipe to celebrate with them. They were all excited to come home to fresh homemade cinnamon rolls. This really is a great recipe. The rolls are soft and delicious, and the chocolate chips add just the perfect amount of sweetness. I have been baking a lot of bread lately, and this recipe turns out nice every time. My family loves them, and they are yummy enough to take to your friends or neighbors. Enjoy!   Prep. Time: 4:00 Serves: 12 – 15 1…

  • Christmas,  Recipes

    Christmas baking – Chestnuts

    I love Christmas baking. The smells, the traditional recipes we make every year. I wanted to share a recipe I have been making every year since college.  This is my college roommate’s recipe. We use to make these delicious little treats to lure cute guys into our apartment. It is way simple, only four ingredients, but it is defiantly one of our Christmas favorites. My kids request them every year, and they are yummy enough to take to neighbors.   Chestnuts 3 1/4 cup creamy peanut butter 3 lbs powder sugar 1 lb melted butter Mix all together and roll into balls. Refrigerate for 2 hours. Dip chilled chestnuts into melted chocolate. Enjoy!

  • Recipes

    Classic pot pie

    Brrrr…it is a cold and windy fall day at my house. One of my favorite things to do on a cold fall day is to make something warm and comforting for dinner.  This is one of my families all time favorites. It is a classic pot pie I created years ago, and it never gets old to make or eat.  Here is the recipe. Classic Pot pie Dice 4 large carrots Dice 3 stalks of celery Place them in a pot, fill with water, and cook until tender. Brown 2 ½ cups diced chicken making sure to season the chicken with salt and pepper. Filling: 1/3 cup butter ½ an…

  • Recipes

    Chocolate banana Bundt cake…YUM!

    Monday was my daughter’s birthday and she asked for a chocolate Bundt cake that looked like a pumpkin.  So here is my attempt. I am in no way shape or form a cake decorator. I actually let my hubby do the birthday cake decorating most of the time.  I am however, a baker. I love baking cookies, brownies, bread…you name it. I love cooking too actually. I am not particular.  I usually start my day planning what is for dinner that night. Having said that,  I wanted to share a fun and really easy chocolate Bundt cake recipe I got from my mom years ago.  This cake is super easy,…

  • Colors,  Crafts,  Demo,  DIY,  Furniture,  our house,  Projects,  Recipes,  Rooms I've Created

    Chicken Alfredo…easy…Yum!

    Today I am posting a fun family recipe that is so dang easy to make. The best part, the kids love it, my hubby loves it, and I love it because it is so fun and easy to make. Win win! Perfect for a summer night. Chicken Alfredo Pizza Pizza crust (either your favorite recipe from scratch or refrigerated dough) 4 boneless chicken breasts cooked and diced 3 heads of broccoli chopped and cooked 1 bottle Alfredo sauce 2 cloves of garlic Mozzarella cheese Preheat your oven to 450 degrees. Roll out your dough and cook for five to ten minutes. The crust doesn’t have to be totally cooked, but…

  • Colors,  Crafts,  Demo,  DIY,  Furniture,  our house,  Projects,  re-purposed furniture,  Recipes,  Rooms I've Created

    Painting cabinets

    I recently had the opportunity to teach a class about furniture and cabinet painting and re finishing. This was such a fun topic to talk about. Finding old and dis-guarded furniture and giving it new life is what I love doing most. My family jokes with me that besides my piano, no piece of furniture is safe around here. It is true.  What better way to transform a room than to give the pieces in that room some new life. If you can do that for just a few bucks worth of paint….even better right.  Here are some fun tips and tricks I have learned along the way through my…

  • Colors,  Crafts,  Demo,  DIY,  Furniture,  Hall bathroom,  our house,  Projects,  Recipes,  Rooms I've Created

    Finishing touches

    I am so happy to say that we are done, finished, and there is nothing left to do with the girl’s bathroom makeover. I am over the moon with how it turned out! It was defiantly one of the worst rooms in our home, and now it is one of my favorites. The moldings were the last detail in the room. I painted them and my husband installed them. I decided to frame the mirror with white molding. We also added white chair rail to top the V board. It is amazing what molding does to finish off a room. I painted the molding before we put it up and…

  • Colors,  Crafts,  Demo,  DIY,  Furniture,  Game room,  our house,  Projects,  re-purposed furniture,  Recipes,  Rooms I've Created

    It’s bright and I love it!

    I am so close to being finished with my game room. We have been working on it for a couple of weeks, adding paint, wainscoting, desks, game tables…you name it. Except for the trim and a few touches the room is finally done. Here is the before…dull and boring. Just a blank space. Here it is now…bright and full of color! I wanted big pops of color in this room so I added a lot of turquoise, reds, and bright greens. It is a game room, so we wanted to make it fun. We have a place to watch TV, do homework, and have fun playing games. I found this…

  • Colors,  Crafts,  Demo,  DIY,  Furniture,  Game room,  our house,  Projects,  re-purposed furniture,  Recipes,  Rooms I've Created

    Easiest change in a room…painting furniture

    We have been working on our game room these past few weeks. I have to say that my favorite part of any room is picking out and painting the color.  I chose a soft yellow butter color for my walls, my furniture is red, and I needed to pick a third pop of color to really ground the room.  I found this console well over a year ago at the DI for not much money at all.  I knew I needed a place to put the TV on and this was just the piece I needed for the room. This is a classic example of an old seventies piece of…

  • Colors,  Crafts,  Demo,  DIY,  Furniture,  Game room,  our house,  Projects,  Recipes,  Rooms I've Created

    Fun and games

    It is starting to feel a little like spring around here, and sunshine and longer days always make me feel like a project. We have moved on to our game room. It is a large room above our garage that I want to make into a cozy, bright, and fun hang out for the kids. Here is what it looked like before. It had tons of potential, and I loved that angles on the walls.  The very first thing to go was that awful window air conditioner. The next thing we did in this room was build this closet. The original closet was turned into our laundry room, so I…

  • Colors,  Crafts,  Demo,  DIY,  Furniture,  Hall bathroom,  our house,  Projects,  Recipes,  Rooms I've Created


    Making progress on the bathroom and I am almost done. Just waiting on some finishing trim, and hanging some mirrors we bought, and this bathroom reno is done. The before…So so so awful! Now the after. I got the vanity painted, the counter top in, and new pulls on the cabinet. I love how it turned out.  I painted the cabinet a valspar color called butter, and the walls school boy blue. We found the chandeliers at Ikea. We are still installing molding around the mirror, and found some cool black girly oval mirrors to install on top of the large mirror. The color choices were my daughters, but I…